Company events

Energy Forecasting Agency and the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System signed the Memorandum of Understanding with International Energy Agency
22.06.2012Energy Forecasting Agency and the Federal Grid Company of the Unified Energy System signed the Memorandum of Understanding with International Energy Agency
Siberian Branch of the CJSC "REFA" and the Siberian Energy Association will hold a workshop-seminar to address the problem of improving the quality of university training for the electric industry engineers
17.04.2012The seminar will be held on April 24 in Novosibirsk. The event will be attended by the deans of the electricity faculties of the largest Siberian technology universities from Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Tomsk.
General Director of the CJSC "REFA" Igor Kozhukhovsky became a member of the Russian Chamber of Commerce Committee for energy strategy and Fuel and Energy Complex development
11.04.2012General Director of the CJSC "EFA" Igor Kozhukhovsky became a Committee member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
Joint Russian/American Study on Legal/Regulatory, Market, Consumer and Human Resource Impediments to Smart Grid Technology
06.04.2012The Russian Energy Agency (REA) and the United States Energy Association (USEA) conducted in Moscow a series of interviews with the a diverse group of Russian smart grid stakeholders from March 9 through 16, 2012 to collect information for the “Joint Russian/American Study on Legal/Regulatory, Market, Consumer and Technical Impediments to Smart Grid Technology Deployment.”
The Russian Energy Forecasting Agency took part in the Moscow International Energy Forum "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia in XXI century"
06.04.2012The Russian Energy Forecasting Agency (REFA) took part in the Moscow International Energy Forum "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia in XXI century" held in Moscow from April 4 to 7, 2012.
Meeting with experts of the U.S. Department of Energy was held in the R&D Center for Power Engineering (Federal Grid) on Smart Grid deployment
13.03.2012On March 13, 2012 a meeting of experts from the U.S. Department of Energy, Russian Energy Agency, JSC "FGC UES", JSC "RDC FGC UES", CJSC "EFA" and RAS was held in the R&D Center for Power Engineering (Federal Grid).
The results of the Russian-American study will form the concept of "smart" grids in Russia
20.02.2012Last week, a seminar was held in the "Russian Energy Agency", devoted to the preparation of a joint study on "The legal, market and consumer aspects of the intelligent networks technology deployment in the U.S. and Russia".
The Energy Forecasting Agency took part in a joint workshop on energy statistics
15.02.2012The workshop was organized by the Federal Service of State Statistics and the International Energy Agency and held in Moscow from 14 to 17 February.
Report “Analysis of prices, tariffs and retail electricity markets competitive relations development in the Russian Federation in 2009-2010” is released
19.01.2012The EFA’s Direction on pricing and economics in electric power industry prepared a study titled "Analysis of prices, tariffs and retail electricity markets competitive relations development in the Russian Federation in 2009-2010”.
The Energy Forecasting Agency will be a partner to the 18-th international specialized exhibition “Energy-2012”
18.01.2012The exhibition will take place in Samara on February 7-10, 2012. The Exhibition Center “Expo-Volga” (Samara) will act as a host.
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